Thursday, February 5, 2009

I am nusing so bear with me (many of these blogs will be typed while nursin at the keyboard... I will warn every one with a big NAK)

Last night I was haging out with my kids Julianna was drawing, She is a great artist, I wish we lived closer to my mom so she could take classes, Fiona is dancing, she loves to dance and move to music, and she is really good at it, Nolan is on my lap laughing, being happy. I was so in love with them all thinking how lucky I was, when I had this awful thought, What if this is all a dream, What if these three beautiful children I have here are just a dream I am in the middle of having, and when I wake up, that is all this was?

I mean I suppose if I didn't have any of them I wouldn't know the difference and I wouldn't miss them of course, but a dream like that sure would leave a hole or a void in my life.

What else was there to do with that thought other than to give them all a tight hug, and tell them all how much I love them, how lucky I am to have them, and continue to enjoy this time with them, weather it be real or not... I hope with all of my heart I wont wake up one day and this life with my beautiful babies will have been just a dream.

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