Wednesday, February 4, 2009

its that time again

the time to avoid getting my baby baptized as long as I can.

Keith is catholic, but not practicing really, I am an atheist but I do respect everyone's beliefs. Keith always tries to get me to baptize the kids catholic, but that is where I draw the line, too many rules and classes.. stuff I could never follow or take seriously... so we always end up doing episcopal, then we go to the church once, then baptize then never go back.. just to please him, my parents (btw my mom is agnostic but she thinks that the kids will get teased if they aren't baptized.. I think that is silly) his family ect.. I always feel like I'm not being true to myself.

Every time, I say "hey Keith, maybe we shouldn't baptize this one, I mean it's just some water on their head and some words" he always goes "really well I want to do it and catholic this time" so I say ok ok never mind we will do it but not catholic.

then I avoid.. and avoid, and avoid, then my mom starts asking "when are you going to baptize the baby?" I say, eventually, she says "well the other kids are and its getting close to time, he will feel left out" it goes on like this for a while.. trust me with as un-seriously as we take religion around here he will not feel left out lol.

So here I am sitting avoiding this baptism, hoping I can win this time but knowing I won't.

1 comment:

  1. You are nicer than me.
    My husband is Catholic, and I was baptized Mormon. I told him that hell will freeze over before I baptize Camden Catholic.
    So he is not getting baptized.
